Title: Chanakya's Chant
Author: Ashwin Sanghi
Number of Pages: 256
Cover Price: Rs. 250
Rating: 4/5
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Ashwin Sanghi was born in 1969 in Mumbai. He graduated from St. Xavier’s College in 1985 and later completed an MBA in Yale School of Management in 1993. He is an entrepreneur by profession and writes on history, religion and politics in his spare time. This is his second book after 'The Rozabal Line'.
About this book:
In Chanakya’s Chant Ashwin Sanghi has narrated two stories - one on the life of the real Acharya Chanakya around 340BC and the other, that of a political activist, Gangasagar living in the town of Kanapur in present day India.
The author kept these two stories in parallel where on one side, showing the effort of Chanakya in making Chandragupta making the emperor of India and on the other side, pandit Gangasagar Mishra's effort in making Chandini the prime minister of India. The present day story illustrates how Chanakya's tricks and principles can be used in today's politics.
Below are some lines from the book:
It never pays to let others perceive what one's true feelings are. Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.
It is impossible to know when a fish swimming in water drinks some of it. Thus it's quite impossible to find out government servants in charge of undertaking misappropriate money.
One does not need to pluck fruit from a tree that is about to be chopped down. The fruit will fall by themselves. Focus on the bigger purpose and the rest of your manifesto will follow as a matter of course.The book is fast paced having mixture of suspense, history and thrill. It shows the depth of politics and shows it is not only about pulling each other's legs. I would recommend this book should be in one's reading book list.
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